October 14, 2015, 7pm
Join 8 women reading their minds. We are truth-filled and uncensored. Unchaste Readers is proud to be hosted by Portland Literary Arts.
Literary Arts
925 SW Washington
Portland, OR
October 7, 2015, 7pm – 8:30pm
Members of the Pinewood Table, a writing group led by Joanna Rose and Stevan Allred, will invade the Plonk Reading Series, hosted by Steve Denniston and Michelle Fredette.
From Facebook:
We’re pleased to announce our 2nd Plonk Reading Series featuring Pinewood Table writers Edee Lemonier, Chad Burge, Desiree Wright, and Bruce Barrow. Stevan Allred and Joanna Rose, teachers, mentors, writers and founders of Pinewood Table, will cohost the event. We look forward to seeing you!
Corkscrew Wine Bar
1665 Southeast Bybee Boulevard
Portland, OR 97202
July 15, 2015, 7pm – 9:30pm
Monthly reading series at American Legion Post 134 on NE Alberta St. in Portland. It’s the big red building kitty-cornered from Salt & Straw Ice Cream. Drinks are seriously cheap, and the pour is seriously heavy. Buy a drink to support the mission of helping veterans of all ages and experiences. All are welcome but if you have kids with you, please bear in mind we are uncensored.
American Legion Post 134
2104 Northeast Alberta Street
Portland, OR 97211
June 2, 2015, 6pm – 8pm
Also featuring Ed Putka and poets who authored the anthology Poetry from the Circle. Hosted by Alan Rose.
1333 Broadway
Longview, WA
January 13, 2015, 7:30pm
Southerners transplanted in Portland read at American Legion Post 134. Hosted by Sam Snoek-Brown.
American Legion Hall, Post 134
2104 Northeast Alberta Street
Portland, OR 97211